SCUT SCUT Association for Social Services, Braşov One moment...

You can redirect 3.5% of the tax paid to the state to a non-governmental organization. Since this amount is part of the income tax already paid automatically to the state, it costs you nothing - nor does it cost your employer. This option is regulated by the Tax Code to support non-governmental organizations and their beneficiaries.

Why choose us? Because at the Association of Social Services SCUT, we have been offering free high-quality social and psychological assistance services to disadvantaged people around us for over 20 years. We work especially with young people from placement centers in Brasov County, with adults with disabilities and disadvantaged families.

To direct 3.5% of the tax to the SCUT Social Services Association, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Identify which form you need to fill out - 230 or 200:

If you earned only salary or pension income in 2022, fill out form 230 (attached below);

If you obtained in 2022 (also) income from sources other than salary (copyright, individual practice, PFA, cessation of use of goods, etc.), fill in form 200;

Step 2: Fill out the form that's right for you

Fill in the form with your personal data;

Check the income category: salary income or pension income

Do not forget to sign the form at the "taxpayer signature" - at the bottom of the page.

Step 3: Submitting the form:

Now you are ready to redirect 3.5% of your tax to our beneficiaries. You just need to:

Submit the completed form directly to ANAF, until May 25 or hand it to a representative of the Association of Social Services SCUT, until May 25, 2023. You can contact us at: 0751 093 622-

Thank you for all your support!


1. What is 3.5%?

3.5% is a percentage of the income/salary tax that each employee pays every month to the state.

According to the Tax Code, however, we can redirect 3.5% of this tax to a non-governmental organization.

2. Există vreun cost suplimentar pentru mine sau angajatorul meu?

Nu, odată ce se depune formularul 3,5%, organele fiscale ale statului virează aferentul a 3,5% din impozitul pe venit către organizația nominalizată în formular.

3. De unde aflu datele de identificare ale Asociației de Servicii Sociale SCUT?

Pentru a vă ajuta în acest proces, găsiți mai jos formularele deja completate cu datele noastre de identificare.

4. Trebuie să știu exact cât reprezintă 3,5% din impozitul meu pe venit?

Nu, nu aveți nevoie de această informație. Cei de la ANAF procesează aceste impozite și vor calcula ei automat.

5. Cât este de confidențial procesul de sponsorizare a Asociației SCUT prin campania 3,5%?

Lucrăm zi de zi cu date confidențiale și respectăm mereu confidențialitatea donatorilor noștri. Formularele depuse direct la noi ajung ulterior în original la ANAF, unde sunt apoi procesate.

6. Cum primește asociația dumneavoastră banii? 

Primim banii direct în contul nostru, de la ANAF, în mai multe tranșe.


Donations for SCUT

If you wish to help the SCUT Association for Social Services, Braşov then the simplest and fastest option is to make a donation. Donations are made with PayPal, an international online payments platform that helps us guarantee that your donations are safe, secure, and arrive directly to us.

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