SCUT SCUT Association for Social Services, Braşov One moment...

SCUT Association of Social Services is a registered charity founded in 2000, as an answer to the need for support of people with mental health issues. In time, the association broadened its area of action by making full use of the expertise gathered in order to meet the needs of the community.

In 2002, a Day center for people with mental health issues was set up, which was funded by the UK National Lottery, between 2002 and 2007, and which benefited from a partnership with the Northern Ireland Association of Mental Health (NIAMH).

From 2007 to 2016, alongside the Day center, SCUT developed a Home Care Service with Dutch governmental funding (MATRA - Small Embassy Projects Program). Since the Day center was set up, SCUT has been the only provider of community support for the people with mental health issues living in Brasov County.

In 2004, SCUT broadened its target groups, by rolling out the Aftercare project that aimed to support children in state care and youth discharged from state care and transitioning to independent life. This project was mainly funded by the Northern Ireland Romanian Partnership Committee. Starting with 2010, SCUT enlarged its target groups yet again, by implementing the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award for Young People program, targeting disadvantaged youth from the community.

Between 2014 and 2016, SCUT started to implement the Sara Center project, where we support adults with any disability (physical and mental), offering both, support at the day center, and home-based support. The Sara center project is funded by the EEA Grants 2009-2014, through the NGO Fund in Romania.

More importantly, beyond all these projects, at SCUT we have learned each day how powerful warm and humane ways of connecting and relating to each other really are. Mutual respect and the ability to see beyond any label make us grow stronger together.

Donations for SCUT

If you wish to help the SCUT Association for Social Services, Braşov then the simplest and fastest option is to make a donation. Donations are made with PayPal, an international online payments platform that helps us guarantee that your donations are safe, secure, and arrive directly to us.

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